butterfly fairy - vtuber

It is believed that when butterflies die, some of them transform into fairies. Beings which humans call Aicho or butterfly fairies. Though, no one has ever seen it in it's true, fairy form.Old tales believe these fairies live atop the trees, where there lies the entrance to the fairy kingdom: a magical place no human will ever be able to see -- requiring trees to be standing in a particular constellation for the portal to the fairy world to open.Arilia, one of the Aichos, loved her home dearly. She could always be found playing amongst the forest canopy with her beloved brown bear, Baloo & other forest animals.One day, though, humans stormed and destroyed the forest, the entrance to her world. Arilia, along with many of the forest animals, was driven from her home. She was forced to adapt to this new human world if she wished to survive. Eat like a human, dress like a human, and act like a human. Arilia fell from the burning remains of the fairy kingdom.
If not for her wings opening seconds before hitting the ground, she would no longer be here with us. While it may have saved her life, her wings were broken -- shattered to pieces. Arilia collected what remained of her wings, fashioning a cloak out of them……waiting for the day she may return to her home and heal them.Baloo died on that tragic day in the forest. Becoming a spirit with a little brown cloud around his body. He protects and guides Arilia as she wanders this unfamiliar, alien world she now finds herself in.To learn more about Deforestation, Click Here!
Thank you for taking interest in learning more about deforestation.
If you are new to the topic I suggest watching this video: What is Deforestation?Why does deforestation matter? Because it affects us all!First, a high percentage of land animals live in forests. Destruction of forest habitat is the leading cause of extinction on the planet. Deforestation threatens those animals and even plants!Plants? Yes, even plants. Removing trees deprives the forest of portions of its cover, which blocks the sun’s rays during the day and retains heat at night. This leads to more extreme ground temperature swings which can be harmful to both plants and animals. Furthermore, tree cover is essential for the safety and reliability of water supplies, soil mixture, rainfall, regional weather patterns and global climate as a whole..It's not only bad for animals and plants, but also for humans. Did you know that around 200 million people live in and depend on forests for their livelihoods? Deforestation especially affects indigenous people, who depend on the forest for their food, shelter, and medicine. The destruction of forest forces them to leave their territories and engage with outsiders.Furthermore, deforestation is a key contributor towards global climate change. Trees breathe CO₂ from the air and lock the carbon into their wood. When forests are cleared or burnt, they release the carbon they had stored back into the atmosphere.Here are some simple but helpful steps you can take to help fight against deforestation:Things you can do that are completely free:
- reduce your meat consumption
- try to avoid products containing palm oil
- be mindful when buying furniture
- educate people about deforestation
- go paperless or try using less paper
- use ecosia browser a few times a day and help plant a tree. More info here!Other ways you can help:
- donate to organisations that plant trees
- plant a tree yourself
- support products of companies that are committed to reducing deforestation
- buy certified wood products

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